Meet Amy!

Amy is one of our Gathering Grounds baristas. This is her first coffee job, but coffee has long been a love of hers.
She has other loves - her dog Ohren, her Vespa, her Mac iBook and puppetry. In fact, Amy has an M.A. in Puppet Arts from the University of Connecticut! Yes, you can major in that. She appeared in a couple shows last year at the Center for Puppetry Arts and recently completed her graduate studies in Design at Atlanta's Portfolio Center. Anybody know of any fun graphic design jobs out there?
Here's more about our featured barista - next time you stop in, say hello!
Favorite books: Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whislestop Cafe, The World According to Garp
Favorite movies: A League of Their Own, Amelie, Babel
Favorite musicians: Dar Williams, Girlyman, The Jayhawks, Indigo Girls
Pets: Some fish, snuggly cats (Jonah and George) and Ohren, the Wonderdog
Hobby: puppetry (I wish it could always be more than a hobby - maybe someday)
Things I want to learn: knitting, tennis, ASL

Favorite Gathering Grounds drink to make: iced latte
Favorite Gathering Grounds drink to drink: hot latte or macchiato
Best thing about coffee: its scent
Favorite thing about Gathering Grounds: The people I work with are all amazing in their own ways. I also like the opportunity to learn about coffee and to learn the art of espresso drinks.
Best thing about Gathering Grounds customers: Their (usually) good attitudes - especially after they've had their morning coffee! I like that they are willing to wait a little bit for a hand-made espresso drink, as opposed to the automated "robots" that make drinks at the Big Green Monster. And I love that they support our local business and others in Kirkwood!
Ask me about: Puppetry, to see a photo of my dog or where you can adopt a wonderful dog or cat: PAWS Atlanta (
Tell me about: Your cute pets or any design job you can help me snag! (
Labels: baristas
Amy Rocks!
Is she enjoying the coffe or slightly scared of it? The picture is unclear...
I think that's her "i'm faking like i'm drinkin something" face. The other pic truly depicts her enthusiasm about pouring one a cup of joe.
Hey, I think I actually was drinking something. I enthusiastically drink coffee and pour coffee daily.
Not all of us who work for "the big green monster" are robots! Jeez. Some of us have to get jobs where they're available. Watch who you call a robot, will you?!
"Clank, clank, clank!" This robot would like nothing better to say "Sayonara" to the big green monster, by the way. Is Gathering Grounds hiring by chance?! ;-)
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